maandag 16 december 2013

Christmas in Disneyland.

Hey everyone! On the 10th of November I left for a weekend to Disneyland. I had the most amazing time and I took tons of pictures so I thought I'd share some of them with you.

I was invited by a friend of mine, and we went with her sister and a friend of hers. All tough I didn't know the other girls we had a great time. I'm not going to write much more, so you can start enjoying the pictures!

On the train, we don't look very excited but it was 6 o'clock in the morning.

The village was completely abandoned. I had camera-duty so my friend had to cary my bag.

The DisneyHotel was absolutely magical. Unfortunately it was also slightly out of budget.

The christmascavalcade.

Duffy is my favourite! I brought a smaller one home with me, I couldn't leave without a souvenir.

Hakuna Matata had the best fries/chips.

We were not allowed on the ship, but I managed to take this picture of it. Maybe I'll get on next time.

We stayed at Hotel Santa Fé, it felt as tough we were staying in the middle of the desert.

Tower of terror.

Some final pictures.

We had diner at Anette's, and it was phenomenal! I would definitely recommend it if you were looking for a place to eat in the village!

I hope you liked my pictures! Let me know what you like best about disney!

x Yasmine. 

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